The Moo-seum Interior Art Project: Make Someone's Day Installation

The Moo-seum Interior Art Project: Make Someone's Day Installation is the second interior installation of the ASUCD Moo-vin' Moo-seum and will be installed on the Moo-seum Bus from February until April 2025. 

UC Davis students were invited to submit artwork that fit the theme 'Make Someone's Day', and 20 submissions were selected to be part of the installation. 


Unitrans Interior Art Project

Starting in November 2023, the goal of the Unitrans Interior Artwork Project is to showcase artwork from community members and to give Unitrans riders a more pleasant riding experience. An open invitation for submissions to the Davis community was broadcast, utilizing flyers, email and word of mouth to spread the message about the Unitrans Interior Artwork Project.

The ASUCD Moo-vin' Moo-seum Grand Opening

Udder-ly Amazing Launch Events

The community was invited to be part of the Associated Students of UC Davis (ASUCD) Moo-vin' Moo-seum's inaugural exhibition at Sunset Fest (a concert for UCD students) and the Davis Farmers Market. 


At these events, over 400 community members had the unique opportunity to contribute to the Moo-seum's first interior art installation, by making their mark on repurposed ad cards that were then installed on the Moo-seum. The theme? "What does Davis mean to you?".