All our welcome to join Secret Spot and the ASUCD Moo-vin' Moo-seum for a day of creating art hangers that will then be installed on Unitrans Buses. All art materials will be provided. The Moo-vin' Moo-seum Bus will be present and there will be open jamming!
The UCD Music Department and the ASUCD Moo-vin' Moo-seum are partnering to bring music to the terminals! We are looking for groups of musicians to perform roughly 15 minute sets at either the Silo or MU Unitrans terminal on a Friday afternoon in May.
Join us either in person or on zoom for our Fall 2024 open Curator meeting. During this meeting, the Moo-vin' Moo-seum Curators will discuss our current plans and upcoming projects for the Moo-vin' Moo-seum.
Mee Room (3rd Floor Memorial Union), 250 W Quad, Davis, CA 95616
On Saturday, October 5th, the ASUCD Moo-vin' Moo-seum will be brought to the Davis Farmers Market (C St & 4th St), for the official launch of this new and exciting public art project.
On Friday, October 4th, the ASUCD Moo-vin' Moo-seum will be brought to Sunset Fest, for the official launch of this new and exciting public art project.
Starting in November 2023, the goal of the Unitrans Interior Artwork Project is to showcase artwork from community members and to give Unitrans riders a more pleasant riding experience.